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The Boxberry School Mission

The Mission of The Boxberry School is to identify and nurture academic and creative potential in an environment that embraces each child's natural enthusiasm for discovery.


School History

The Boxberry School was founded in 2003 by  group of parents, grandparents, and other caregivers committed to creating an environment of educational excellence, responsive to individual strengths and interests while nurturing the creative spirit of each child. We rely on an active parent base and community support to help keep this vision alive.


Boxberry's Learning Environment

The Boxberry School provides a safe, respectful environment for your child to reach his or her full potential. Our location at Fernwood Cove in Harrison, Maine is a spacious and inspiring center for learning and exploration. The naturally lit classroom and outdoor meeting areas create the perfect setting for individual and group study, while the woods beyond offer unlimited opportunities for students to challenge themselves physically as they learn about the natural world around them.


Our small teacher to student ratio allows our teachers to spend time with each child as well as facilitate and foster teamwork within groups. We challenge, engage, and motivate our students to be creative, enthusiastic learners who recognize and accept individual differences while appreciating the best in one another. 




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